Online Exhibition Project “On Your Side” was closed.


Thanks to you. online exhibition project “On Your Side” was closed on 11 May,2021.

Online Exhibition Project “On Your Side”


I’m pleased to announce my online exhibition “On Your Side” is open at the end of September 2020.

In this exhibition, 5 digital works of project “RIVERSIDE” will be released sequentially.

Works of project “RIVERSIDE” are very long piece made by connecting a large number of photographs taken along a riverside of several kilometers, and were exhibited as a large-scale photo installation mainly in public spaces. In this time I re-edit them as digital work for display monitors.

At the opening, “darker and darker” (2020) is the first released, which consists of photographs about the night scape of Riv.Kamo flowing the center of Kyoto. 36min’s slow movie.

Exhibition project “Kronstadt Stories—3. Slowness”


Lisa Someda will exhibit new work at the exhibition project “Kronstadt Stories—3. Slowness”, held in Museum of printing in St.Petersburg (Russia).

Kronstadt Stories—3. Slowness

from August 9 to September 2, 2018
Daily 11am–6pm, Tuesday 11am–5pm, Wednesday —day off
Museum of the history of Saint-Petersburg, Museum of printing (32 Moika Embankment, St.Petersburg)
The North-Western Branch of the National Center for Contemporary Arts-ROSIZO.

Kronstadt Stories—3. Slowness, Lisa Someda

You can read explanation of my new work at below instagram post. *Russian only

О художниках выставки «Кронштадские истории -3. Замедленность» в музее Печати @spbmuseum . Лиза Сомеда (Япония) @somedalisa Снег (2017) Видеоинсталляция. . ««Снег» — новейшая работа из проекта «Прибрежная полоса», который я начала в 2003 году. . Воспринимая прибрежный пейзаж как поперечный разрез города, я фотографировала противоположный берег с одинаковыми интервалами. Я словно сканировала город и выстраивала фотографии в один длинный отрезок. . Эта работа состоит из 250 изображений, поделенных на 4 эпизода. В первую очередь, меня привлек европейский ландшафт, который окружает Фонтанку. Но, пока я делала фотографии, я осознала, что не менее прекрасно сосуществование людей и снега», Лиза Сомеда. . #ncca_northwest #ncca_spb #ncca #art #photography #artresidence #contemporaryart #замедленность #кронштадтскиеистории3

NCCA NORTH WESTさん(@ncca_spb)がシェアした投稿 –

The 3rd Sapporo 500m Gallery Award Exhibition


Lisa Someda will exhibit my work at Sapporo Odori 500-m Underground Walkway Gallery (Sapporo, Japan) from 31 January 2015 to 24 April 2015. *Japanese only

“Phenomenology of art exhibition” had been published.


I wrote on “Phenomenology of art exhibition”(joint authorship) about my installation work “RIVERSIDE”.